Qualcomm Launches World’s First 5G and AI-Enabled Robotics Platform

Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. has announced the Qualcomm Robotics RB5 platform – the Company’s most advanced, integrated, comprehensive offering designed specifically for robotics. Building on the successful Qualcomm Robotics RB3 platform and its broad adoption in a wide array of robotics and drone products available today, the Qualcomm Robotics RB5 platform is comprised of an extensive […]

Starburst Aerospace Accelerator’s Selection Committee Virtual Event

Skyways Autonomous Mission A group of entrepreneurs presented their nascent products and discoveries during a virtual pitch meeting on April 8 held as part of Starburst Aerospace Accelerator’s latest Selection Committee event. Headquartered in Paris, Starburst’s U.S. team brought in 10 hopeful companies, all vying for partnership agreements, venture capitalist funding and a chance to join Starburst’s […]

Fishing from a Drone in Australia

A fisherman has taken flight at a Victorian reservoir after two years of work, a shed that almost burned to the ground and a prototype that got wrapped around a tree. A group of friends watched as stuntman Sam Foreman was lifted off the ground by a drone, cast a line at the Upper Coliban […]

Solar-Powered Micro Drone

Going back to the time of Leonardo da Vinci, animal flight has inspired human enquiry, and we have sought to emulate nature by building machines that attempt to fly using flapping wings. In a paper in Nature, Jafferis et al.1report a key step towards the emulation of insect flight with what they claim to be the lightest insect-scale […]