Tag Archives: uas

Patent to More Efficiently Detect Runway FOD

Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) Distinguished Professor Oleg Yakimenko recently filed for a patent proposing a system for automated detection, classification and possible removal of foreign object debris (FOD) on a runway using multiple, small unmanned aerial systems (sUAS) flying in formation. Continue reading

Efficient Large-Scale Multi-Drone Delivery using Transit Networks

Researchers from Stanford University have devised a way for hundreds of drones to use the bus or trams in an effort to redesign how packages are distributed in cities. Should such a solution ever scale, it could reduce delivery van congestion and energy usage while extending the distance a drone can travel to deliver a package. Continue reading

NAARIC Urges EASA to Review its Position

The NAARIC (National Aviation Authorities Regulation Implementation Coordination) is a group of UAS experts from the main European National Aviation Authorities (NAAs) that was launched in 2019 with the objective of agreeing on a common approach at the European level towards the aspects left to the Member States by the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/947 and Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/945, including their recent amendments regarding standard scenarios. Continue reading